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About Ingrid King

Ingrid King with Ruby
Ingrid with Ruby

“Ingrid King defines what it is to be a “cat person.” She doesn’t just live with them, observe and write about them; rather, she delves deeper, reflecting a natural sense of empathy and kinship with cats. There is an intrinsic bond with the feline world on display in casual conversation with Ingrid, as well as in her writing. Ingrid brings us closer to understanding the everyday reality of cats and, finally, what we can learn about our own lives through better appreciating theirs.” – Jackson Galaxy, Host of Animal Planet’s My Cat From Hell.

I am the award winning author of Buckley’s Story: Lessons from a Feline Master TeacherPurrs of Wisdom: Conscious Living, Feline Style, Adventures in Veterinary Medicine: What Working in Veterinary Hospitals Taught Me About Life, Love and Myself, Tortitude: The BIG Book of Cats with A BIG Attitude, and Purrs of Wisdom: Enlightenment, Feline Style.


I’m a former veterinary hospital manager turned writer.  During my twelve years of working in various facets of the veterinary profession, I gained a thorough understanding of pets’ and owners’ needs in what can often be a challenging, stressful environment.  I realized that cat parents are often afraid to ask the tough questions, and resort to the internet to find answers to their cat health questions.  Even though there’s a wealth of cat health advice available online, it can be difficult to find information that is current and factual.  My mission has been and continues to be to provide accurate and well-researched cat health information to my readers. My passion, and my focus on this site, are cats and cat related topics.

In 2009, I founded The Conscious Cat, a website dedicated to conscious living, health and happiness for cats and their humans. The site grew from just a vague idea to something I never could have imagined in my wildest dreams. As of August 31, 2022, The Conscious Cat is under new ownership.

My articles have been published in Animal Wellness Magazine, Kittens 101, Cat Fancy Magazine, and numerous other publications.

I’m a certified veterinary journalist, member of the American Association of Feline Practitioners’ Cat Friendly Practice Advisory Council, and a professional member of the Cat Writers Association.

I’m a Reiki Master Practitioner and owner of Healing Hands. I am trained in traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. I integrate Reiki with my natural intuitive abilities and  tailor each session to develop the best experience for each individual client, be it human or animal.

About Purrs of Wisdom

My office assistant Allegra

Purrs of Wisdom is a new beginning. As I was going through the negotiation process to turn over ownership of The Conscious Cat, I realized there were some things I would never want to let go of, specifically Allegra’s World, Ruby’s Reflections, the Sunday columns, and some other, very personal pieces.  So I started this website to find a home for these older posts. You’ll find all of them here, and you’ll still hear from Allegra and I’ll still share memories of Ruby.

You’ll also find new content about feline health, nutrition, and behavior. I’ll introduce you to and review new products. And I’ll continue to bring you inspurration with our weekly Sunday Quotes.

The Cats of Purrs of Wisdom

I currently share my life with Allegra, who you’ll get to know here on this website both through my writing and her own column, Allegra’s World.

Amber The Conscious Cat

The Conscious Cat was inspired by Amber, who was the original conscious cat. She was a wise old soul in a feline body who shared my life for ten years until she passed away suddenly on May 13, 2010.  She shared some of her wisdom with us mere humans in her own column, Amber’s Mewsings.  You can read Amber’s full story here.

Buckley in front of the maple tree

Next came Buckley, the subject of  Buckley’s Story: Lessons from a Feline Master Teacher. Buckley was only with me for three years, but the impact she left on my life was significant and far-reaching. While The Conscious Cat was inspired by Amber, ultimately, I started the site to build a platform for Buckley’s Story.

Ruby passed away on December 18, 2019 after a brief illness. She had her own column, Ruby’s Reflections, where she periodically shared her exuberance and joy of life. Allegra continues to be an occasional contributor to our site via her column, Allegra’s World.


Some people believe you only get one soul mate. That has never felt true to me. I’ve been blessed with more than one ” soul cat” over the last 35 years. From my first cat Feebee to Amber, Buckley and Ruby, these special cats loved me unconditionally through life’s ups and downs, and taught me valuable lessons along the way. I have no doubt that Allegra, too, is a soul cat.

We hope you’ll enjoy our site. Please join our community of cat lovers: sign up for our newsletter insert link and join us on Facebook and Instagram. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. If there are topics you’d like to see covered, send me an e-mail.  And if you like what you see, please tell all your friends about it!

The information shared on this website is not a substitute for veterinary care.

Disclosures: Some of the links and advertisements on this blog are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something by clicking through on one of these links, I will receive a small commission. Product giveaways are offered as a service to my readers and are sponsored by the company offering the product. Entry rules may vary for each individual giveaway, and are disclosed at the time the giveaway is offered. Winners for all giveaways are chosen by random drawing. Purrs of Wisdom is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on Amazon.

Thanksgiving ABC’s


Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States and it’s time for my annual tradition of making a “Thanksgiving ABC’s” list. Even though I maintain a gratitude practice every day, I still love doing this list every year. Some of the items repeat year after year, others are new. Here’s this year’s list:Continue Reading

Thanksgiving ABC’s 2022


Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States and it’s time for my annual tradition of making a “Thanksgiving ABC’s” list. I maintain a gratitude practice every day, but I still love doing this list every year. Some of the items repeat year after year, others are new. Here’s this year’s list:Continue Reading

Thanksgiving ABC’s 2019


Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States, and while eating delicious food and spending time with family and friends is all part of this holiday, I think it’s also important to reflect on its true meaning: a time to count one’s blessings. I keep a gratitude journal all year long. Each night before I go to bed, I list at least three things I was grateful for that day.

Gratitude is a powerful force. It shifts your mood and your thoughts from a place of lack to a place of abundance. Gratitude is all about being in the present moment, and appreciating what’s around you.Continue Reading

Thanksgiving ABC’s 2018


Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States. And while spending time with family and friends is the best part of this holiday, I think it’s also important to reflect on the true meaning of the holiday: a time to count one’s blessings. I keep a gratitude journal all year long: each night before I go to bed, I list at least three things I was grateful for that day. Gratitude is a powerful force. It shifts your mood and your thoughts from a place of lack to a place of abundance. Gratitude is all about being in the present moment, and appreciating what’s around you.Continue Reading

Thanksgiving ABC’s 2017


Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States. As we’re looking forward to spending time with family and friends, I think it’s important not to lose sight of the true meaning of the holiday: a time to count one’s blessings. I keep a gratitude journal: each night before I go to bed, I list at least three things I was grateful for that day. Gratitude is a powerful force. It shifts your mood and your thoughts from a place of lack to a place of abundance. Gratitude is all about being in the present moment, and appreciating what’s around you.Continue Reading