
Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States and it’s time for my annual tradition of making a “Thanksgiving ABC’s” list. Even though I maintain a gratitude practice every day, I still love doing this list every year. Some of the items repeat year after year, others are new. Here’s this year’s list:

A: Allegra

B: Bread. I took really good bread for granted all my life – until I recently found out that I’m gluten intolerant. I have yet to find a gluten free bread that doesn’t taste like cardboard.

C: Cape May. I was lucky enough to once again spend a few days in this place of my heart a couple of months ago.

D: Diamond Art. I’m so grateful a friend turned me on to this wonderful hobby.

E: Exercise. Yes, I actually love exercising – see my entry for “S”.

F: Friends

G: Gingerbread – especially the home made traditional German kind using this recipe. Best gingerbread ever!

H: Health

I: The Internet. Because really, could you even imagine life without it?

J: Jimmy Buffett. I’m still so sad that he’s gone, but grateful for the joy he brought to the world through his music. I’ve had Equal Strains on All Parts on repeat for the last couple of weeks.

K: Kindness

L: Love. In all its forms, but especially the unconditional love our cats have for us humans.

M: Meditation – it’s been a lifesaver most of my life, but especially during these trying times.

N: Netflix. So much good stuff to watch!

O: Oranges (and Clementines.) I’m obsessed with citrus fruit in the winter months.

P: Purrs. If there’s a more soothing sound in the world, I don’t know what it is.

Q: Quark. Q is always a challenge in this exercise, so when in doubt, I turn to food! Quark is a lovely creamy dairy product that is hard to find here in the US. I grew up eating it practically every day, and I miss it. Greek yogurt comes close, but it’s not the same thing.

R: Ruby – for the love and light she brought into my life for nine years. I miss you so much, baby girl.

S:  Schellea Fowler and her series of short workouts on her fabulous50s Youtube channel. Other than walking every day, these are the only workouts I’ve ever stuck with. I do one of her workouts almost every day. Best of all: Allegra loves to “help” me work out.


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T: Torties!

U: Uplifting books, TV shows and movies. Now more than ever.

V: Virgin River. I’m addicted to this show, and I can’t wait for the two new episodes that will drop later this month!

W: Walking. I walk every day, in (almost) any kind of weather.

X: X-mas. Even though I’m not crazy about this abbreviation of Christmas, I can never think of anything else that starts with X, and I do love Christmas.

Y:  You, our Purrs of Wisdom readers. Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing. Allegra and I are so grateful you’re part of our community.

Z: Zen – a state I strive for, but rarely achieve.

What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?

Image Depositphotos

7 Comments on Thanksgiving ABC’s

  1. Great writing, ingenious how you got words and sentences to go with Thanksgiving and the what you are thankful for this time of the year. Even the little things in life, we need to be thankful for, with all that is going on in the world today.

  2. I love your list and seeing Jimmy Buffet made it made me smile. His music always put me in a happy mood. Maybe we will work on lists today too. I want to start diamond art again too. I did like doing it, but I stay busy with reading all the time.

  3. I have never done an ABC list of everything I am thankful for. I’m going to work on one this weekend. I also can’t find an exercise routine that I enjoy and stick with so I am going to check out Schellea Fowler .I’ve never heard of her but it sounds promising and you always have wonderful recommendations. Have a lovely holiday with Allegra and Ruby in spirit of course.

  4. I love your A to Z of thankfulness! T for torties is wonderful. I know I am thankful for every cat I have ever been fortunate enough to encounter in my life.

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