Triple T Studios

Classic Cat Books: My Cat Spit McGee


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My Cat Spit McGee was first published in 1998. I hadn’t heard of this book until one of our followers mentioned it as her all-time favorite when I had asked in a Facebook post about which cat books people read again and again, and I was intrigued. In this book, Willie Morris, the author of My Dog Skip and self-proclaimed dog man shares the story of his unlikely friendship with a cat.Continue Reading

Pretty Litter

Review: Tuft + Paw Kip Cat Cushion and Little Dip Cat Bowl


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I love seeing more and more cat product companies taking into account that their products do not just have to please cats, they also have to make the human happy. Because let’s face it, if you relegate that ugly piece of cat furniture into a part of your home that you rarely use, chances are your cat isn’t going to use it, either.Continue Reading

Another Furball? It Might Be Feline Asthma


Guest post by Andrea Tasi, VMD

Has your cat been coughing? Watch the video at the bottom of this post and you may recognize that sound. Many people assume that the cat is trying to cough up a hairball and don’t realize that their cat could have asthma. Untreated, asthma can progress and even be fatal. But, like human asthmatics, cats can be treated and the disease can be managed.

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Review: Okaysou Cool Mist Humidifier


I love my Okaysou air purifiers and have one in every room in my house. They’ve made a big difference in the air quality in my home, as evidenced by me no longer waking up with a stuffy nose every morning! Now that we’re getting into winter and heating season, it’s time to add a humidifier to the mix. I was delighted when Okaysou sent us their Cool Mist Humidifier for review.Continue Reading


AminAvast® Protects Allegra’s Kidneys


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When Allegra was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, I knew I had to do everything possible to protect her kidneys. I already knew that my vet recommends AminAvast® for her patients with chronic kidney disease. Even though Allegra’s kidney function has been normal on all bloodwork since she was first diagnosed in January of 2021, I wanted to know whether we should start her on AminAvast.Continue Reading