Month: February 2022

Remembering Ruby: Ruby and Allegra’s Morning Routine


It’s hard to believe Ruby has been gone more than two years after being diagnosed with advanced kidney disease. Some days I still miss my little girl so much, it feels like she just left me yesterday. I’m grateful I have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections on this site to comfort me and remind me of some of the cute things she did when the pain hits, and I love sharing the memories with you.Continue Reading

Sunday Quotes: Give Your Best


I couldn’t resist and had to make up a Super Bowl graphic for today. I haven’t paid attention to football in many years, but I will be watching at least part of the game with friends this evening. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all about the food and the commercials, even though we may be a little partial to the Bengals because, well, they’re cats.Continue Reading

Remembering Ruby: That Time When I Trimmed Ruby’s Nails