Sunday Purrs: Books That Change Your Life


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One of my favorite ways to spend a Sunday is with a good book and a cat or two curled up with me. Reading is as essential to me as breathing, and I will be forever grateful to my parents for instilling a love of reading in me at a very young age. My reading covers a wide variety of genres, from non-fiction to cozy mysteries to romance novels, and of course, I read a lot of cat books.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Minimize Distractions


One of the many things I admire about cats is their ability to focus. If you’ve ever watched a cat stalk her prey, you know that even though the cat is very much aware of what is going on around her, she will not break her concentration on waiting for just the right moment to pounce. What seems to be so easy for cats can be an overwhelming challenge for humans.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Do You Love Your Life?


We’re still in this just past New Year’s stretch of time when many of us take stock of where we are in our lives. We think about what may or may not be working, what we want to let go of, and where we want to go. The one question that probably gets to the heart of all of this pondering is “do you love your life?” How many of you can answer this with a whole-hearted yes?

I bet most of our cats would. They seem to have the lock on the purrfect recipeContinue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Adopting These 3 Habits Will Make 2015 Your Best Year Yet


How many of you make New Year’s Resolutions? And how many of you actually keep them? I stopped making New Year’s resolutions several years ago. I wrote about my New Year’s ritual of listing everything that no longer serves me and letting go of it, and setting intentions for the New Year in “The Space Between the Years” last Sunday. Today, I’d like to suggest three habits that are guaranteed to not only help you stick to your resolutions if you make them, but that will make this year your best year yet.

Why am I so sure that these three habits will change your life? Continue Reading

Pretty Litter

Sunday Purrs: The Space Between the Years


I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. The pace of life seems to slow down just a little bit, most people still retain a little of the magic of Christmas, and it’s a perfect time for reflection. The Norwegians actually have a name for this week: “romjula.” According to the Norwegian Language Blog, “rom” means ”room” or ”space.” Romjula is the ”space” between jul (Christmas) and nyttår (New Year). Continue Reading

Pretty Litter


Sunday Purrs: Unplug for Your Health


Technology is awesome. I use it every day, all day long, and I wouldn’t want to imagine my life without it. From connecting with friends near and far via email and social media to shopping (Amazon and I are BFF’s these days – is there anything you can’t buy from Amazon?), technology has become as much a part of my every day life as breathing and eating.  But unfortunately, technology comes with a dark side. As with so many things in life, there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing.Continue Reading