Triple T Studios

Sunday Purrs: Autumn Reflections


I have a bit of a love hate relationship with fall: I enjoy the beautiful colors of autumn all around me, but I also can’t help but think about what comes afterwards. I’m a summer girl, as are Allegra and Ruby: we thrive on warm weather and sun light. Then again, my two beautiful girls remind me of everything that is beautiful about the season: nothing brings out the gorgeous colors in torties’ coats better than the light of autumn.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Be Kind


Kindness is a quality that I look for in everyone I form any kind of relationship with – it matters that much to me. Kindness to cats, and all animals, is the most important to me, but kindness to other human beings is a close second. One of my pet peeves: people who are unkind to waiters or other service personnel.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: The Platinum Rule


We’ve all heard of The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Many of us strive to live by this rule. It implies the basic assumption that other people would like to be treated in exactly the same way you would like to be treated.

Then there’s The Platinum Rule: “Treat others the way they want to be treated.”Continue Reading

Happy Labor Day 2016


Today is Labor Day in the United States, and we’re celebrating by taking a break from blogging.

We’ll be back tomorrow with our regular fare of articles about feline health and nutrition, product reviews, giveaways, and everything else you’ve come to love about The Conscious Cat.

Enjoy your Labor Day!

Sunday Purrs: Take Time for Yourself


We all have busy lives, and there are days when it feels like we’ll never get everything done. For most people, the first thing to fall by the wayside during busy times is time for yourself. I’ve never met a cat who says”I’m too busy to take a moment to stretch in the sun.” Why can’t we be more cat like when it comes to taking care of ourselves?Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Who’s In Charge of Your Smartphone?


I couldn’t imagine life without my iPhone. I use it to check my email, search the internet, monitor the weather, give me driving directions, do my banking, make restaurant reservations, and, of course, take lots of photos of Allegra and Ruby. In fact, I still sometimes marvel at all the things one small device can do, and how it’s made my life easier in so many ways. But as awesome as it is to have all this power in the palm of my hand, it’s also a bit disconcerting just how much I’ve come to rely on it, and at times, it feels like, perhaps, I’ve crossed the line into using it  a little too much.Continue Reading

Allegra’s World: It’s my 7th Birthday


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! I’m seven years old today! According to some people, that makes me a senior. I don’t think so! I can still act like a kitten with the best of them!

Mom says she can’t believe how fast the time has gone by. She says it seems like it was just yesterday that she met me for the first time.Continue Reading