Christmas Eve Reflections


Christmas Eve has always been a day of reflection for me. I consider myself a deeply spiritual person, but I don’t feel affiliated with any particular brand of religion. I grew up Catholic, but I’ve chosen to take what I call a “cafeteria approach” to spirituality, picking and choosing what resonates, and discarding the rest. I celebrate Christmas, because for me, the holiday is ultimately about love, generosity, and giving. But even more than that, for me, it’s a time to slow down.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Why Coloring Books Are Good For Your Mental Health


Adult coloring books are winding up on bestseller lists around the world, and it turns out that coloring is more than just a fun way to pass the time. Studies show that the structured, rhythmic motion of coloring eases you into a meditative state, which allows you to push negative thoughts and worries out of your mind, and which induces a profound sense of relaxation. Coloring is also a great way to explore your creativity. Spending 15 minutes coloring an image can give you a sense of having accomplished something beautiful, and that can carry over into other parts of your life.Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: Live a Life of Passion


I believe that we are happiest when we allow ourselves to life a life of passion. I’ve been on a journey of following my bliss for more than two decades now, and I’ve been fortunate that for the past fifteen plus years, I’ve been able to do work I’m passionate about, from working in and eventually managing a veterinary hospital to my current incarnation of writing about and working with cats.Continue Reading

Happy Thanksgiving 2015


Happy Thanksgiving from
Allegra, Ruby and Ingrid

I keep a gratitude journal all year long, but I do spend a little extra time on Thanksgiving reflecting on everything I’m thankful for. There’s also my Thanksgiving ABC’s tradition, which I shared on Sunday. Of course, Allegra and Ruby top the list of who I’m grateful for every year – followed by you, our Conscious Cat readers!Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: When a Friend of the Heart Moves Away

friend- moving-away

The one thing in life that you can count on is that things change. Some changes are planned, others are unexpected. Over the course of my life, I’ve found that most, if not all changes, have been for the better, even when it sometimes didn’t feel that way while I was going through the inevitable upheaval change brings. But I’m having a hard time looking at one of the most recent changes in my life as something positive. Last month, one of my closest friends moved all the way to the other side of the country. Continue Reading

Pretty Litter

Happy Halloween 2015


Allegra, Ruby and I would like to wish you and your kitties a safe and fun-filled Halloween!

We’re celebrating Halloween on our Facebook page today: post photos of your Halloween kitties!

Make sure you keep your kitties safe tonight! If you open your door to trick or treaters, keep your cats in a safe room so they can’t dash outside. Click here for more Halloween safety tips.

Sunday Purrs: Celebrate Your Senses


Our senses are how we connect with the world around us. By seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting, we appreciate life in its fullness as both an individual and a shared experience. Most of us are blessed with five fully functional senses, and it’s difficult to imagine how to get through life without any one of them. But how much time do you spend on a daily basis truly appreciating all of your senses?

I’m pretty sure cats appreciate their ability to smell every moment of every day – because that’s one of the primary ways they experience the world. Continue Reading

Ruby and the Router


Hi everyone, it’s Ruby! It’s been forever since I last got to write something here! I want to tell you about something super cool that I did earlier this week. You probably saw Mom’s post last Sunday about how she spent a weekend at a friend’s house with no Wifi. Wifi, wifi, wifi – what a funny word! Wiiiifiiii – wee!!! Anyway, I think it means she couldn’t be on the computer. I don’t know why that’s a bad thing. I like it when Mom is not on the computer, because she pays more attention to me. Continue Reading

Sunday Purrs: A Weekend Without Wifi


I’ve previously written about the benefits of unplugging, and about how difficult I find doing it. No matter how much Allegra and Ruby remind me that there’s more to life than technology, whether it’s via walking across the keyboard or chasing each other around my monitor, or, as in the photo above, Ruby insisting that I get out of the way so she can watch some cat videos, I still find it very challenging to completely disconnect from all of my devices. Continue Reading

Allegra Goes to the Dentist: In Her Own Words


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! If you’ve read Mom’s four-part series titled “Allegra Goes to the Dentist” last week, you already know what happened to me. In case you missed it, here are the four posts:

Allegra Goes to the Dentist – Part One: Diagnosis and Choosing a Veterinary Dentist

Allegra Goes to the Dentist – Part Two: Preparation

Allegra Goes to the Dentist – Part Three: Our Day at Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery

Allegra Goes to the Dentist – Part Four: Returning Home

Mom did a pretty good job describing everything that happened, but I figured you’d want to hear about the experience from the only one who really matters in all of this: me!Continue Reading