Allegra’s World

Allegra’s World: 7th Adoption Anniversary


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Today is my 7th Adoption Anniversary! Seven years ago today, Mom brought me home to live with her and Amber. Sadly, I never got to know Amber really well, because she passed away six weeks after I arrived. Then it was just Mom and me for almost a year before Ruby joined our family. I love my life with Mom, but sometimes, I think maybe bringing Ruby home was not one of Mom’s better ideas…Continue Reading

Allegra and Ruby Make New Year’s Resolutions


I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. Even though the idea of a “fresh start” is appealing, I find that setting intentions for the year is a more powerful way to go about making permanent changes in your life. However, Allegra and Ruby have been discussing their New Year’s resolutions extensively, and they’ve been bugging me to share their top 3 resolutions with you, so here you go!Continue Reading

Allegra and the Thanksgiving Turkey

Did someone say “turkey?”

I often wonder how Allegra and Ruby feel about the fact that I’m mostly vegetarian. I suspect that they would prefer me to be a carnivore like them. While I do eat some seafood, I usually eat that only when I eat out. As a result, the most exciting people food treats the girls get are the occasional pieces of cheese. Ruby doesn’t care all that much for people food (except tuna!), she prefers cat treats. Allegra likes to try different things, but I’d never seen her as excited about people food as she was when I came home from Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday. Why don’t I let her tell you in her own words?Continue Reading

Allegra’s World: It’s my 7th Birthday


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! I’m seven years old today! According to some people, that makes me a senior. I don’t think so! I can still act like a kitten with the best of them!

Mom says she can’t believe how fast the time has gone by. She says it seems like it was just yesterday that she met me for the first time.Continue Reading

Allegra and Ruby’s Morning Routine


It’s no secret that cats are creatures of habit, and that they like their routines. Not surprisingly, cats’ routines will develop around their humans’ schedule and household routines. While such a routine driven life may seem boring to humans, it helps cats feel safe and confident. In fact, routines are so important to cats that having them disrupted can even impact their physical health.

I was going to tell you about Allegra and Ruby’s morning routine, but they wanted to tell you in their own words.Continue Reading

Allegra’s World: 5 Ways to Charm Your Human


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! It’s been a while since you heard from me, and I finally got Mom to agree that I can share something I’ve been wanting to tell you about for a long time: how I get Mom to do what I want her to do. Now I’m pretty sure most kitties already know how to do it, but I thought that by revealing my secrets, it might make humans comply a little faster when we employ some of these techniques, because, let’s face it, humans can be a little slow on the uptake sometimes.Continue Reading

Allegra and Ruby Assist With Tax Preparation


‘Tis the season. Many of us are working on our taxes, and whether you’re super organized and only have to download your data into Turbo Tax, or whether you’re still using a shoebox system, haven’t you wished that someone else could do this chore for you?

Enter the Feline Tax Assistant. The main responsibilities of a feline tax assistant position are to assist and support hinder their human in organizing receipts, entering data in spreadsheets walking across the keyboard, printing said spreadsheets batting at said spreadsheets as they come out of the printer, and helping their human locate missing receipts chasing receipts all over the office. Continue Reading

Allegra Goes to the Dentist: In Her Own Words


Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! If you’ve read Mom’s four-part series titled “Allegra Goes to the Dentist” last week, you already know what happened to me. In case you missed it, here are the four posts:

Allegra Goes to the Dentist – Part One: Diagnosis and Choosing a Veterinary Dentist

Allegra Goes to the Dentist – Part Two: Preparation

Allegra Goes to the Dentist – Part Three: Our Day at Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery

Allegra Goes to the Dentist – Part Four: Returning Home

Mom did a pretty good job describing everything that happened, but I figured you’d want to hear about the experience from the only one who really matters in all of this: me!Continue Reading

Allegra, Ruby and the Cable Box


No matter how many cat beds I put around the house, the top of the cable box is one of the most coveted napping spots, especially during the colder months. Allegra and Ruby must have worked out a schedule, because they both seem to get equal time on it. All of my cats over the years have always enjoyed napping on the cable box, and these things must be pretty sturdy, because I can  only imagine the amount of cat hair that ends up inside.Continue Reading